Slow Food without borders

Partners: Slow Food Travel Alpe Adria Kärnten | Ecomuseo delle Acque del Gemonese

The Project aims to promote cooperation between the producers of the Gail Valley (Austria) and the producers of Gemonese (Italy).

Starting from the experience gained in Carinthia with the Slow Food Travel project and in Italy with the Gemonese Food Community, good practices and activities are shared which serve to advance and integrate the programs already in place. The idea is to create and promote seasonal markets that embrace the Slow Food philosophy where producers, processors, gastronomes, cooks from Carinthia and Gemonese meet and have the opportunity to exchange experiences and products to build a cross-border network in the HEurOpen area (CLLD).

The goal of “Slow Food Senza Frontiere – Slow Food Without Borders” is to enhance quality products by promoting their sale and at the same time increase attendance and overnight stays in the areas where the markets are held, encouraging visits to local producers and facilitating educational experiences. To do this we rely on people who share skills and participate in the preservation of the culinary traditions of their respective regions so as to pass on the cultural heritage of their ancestors.