Resia Garlic Presidia

Resia Garlic Presidia

Resia Garlic, with its characteristic reddish color and bulbs made up of 6 to 8 cloves, is a traditional production of the Resia Valley. Appreciated by gastronomes for its particular organoleptic qualities such as the intense and persistent aroma, even in small quantities, today the garlic is sold in small bunches of 4-5 bulbs and can be stored for up to a year. The rozajanski strok – in the Resian language – is particularly suitable for the production of cured meats because it is sweet, without the sometimes acrid aroma of the most common varieties of garlic. The crops in the valley are natural, fertilization takes place with bovine manure and only rarely are pesticide treatments necessary.

Associazione produttori Aglio di Resia
Via Prato 7/A, San Giorgio | 33010 Resia | Italy
Tel. +39 335 5708226

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